Please be praying for Laura Carroll. Her and her family are going through some really difficult things, and are looking for guidance in those situations. Please be praying for peace, provision, and discernment for her! Thank you for being a church that prays.
Laura Carroll Prayer Request
Debbie Widdowson Update
Hello Everyone! Debbie wanted to let everyone know that she is recovering well from her hip surgery. Her doctors and physical therapists have been pleased with the way she is healing, and the way her mobility is progressing. She wanted to give a HUGE thank you to everyone who has called, stopped by, sent a card, driven her to appointments, or brought her food. She feels so incredibly loved, and is grateful for you all. She wanted to let the carolers know how much you all blessed her a few weeks ago. You helped her prepare her heart to celebrate Christmas and brought her so much joy that she was in tears.
Please continue to pray for Debbie's healing! Thank you all for being such a lovely family of Christ.
Waylon McDaniel Prayer Request
Please be praying for Waylon and his upcoming surgery scheduled for next Tuesday! Pray for wisdom for the doctors and peace and comfort for him and his family. Please also pray that his family would continue to recover from illness that they've been battling!
Debbie Widdowson Prayer Request
Please be praying for Debbie, as her family member, Jolene Franklin, passed away this week. Debbie also asked for prayer for Aaron and Janie, Jolene's kids. Pray for peace and comfort for Debbie and the family, and that the family would know the Lord and His presence.
Ruby Leuthen
Please remember Ruby in your prayers. She will have a heart catheretization on Thursday at North Kansas City Hospital on Thursday.